(+974) 30714000


Al Mirqab Mall, 2nd floor, HUB Business Center, Doha

About Our Company

Red Link is one of the best solution professional staffs supply industry. Our company providing to the highly experienced professionals. Achieve customer satisfaction of all our products and services through the effective implementation of our Integrated Management System to fulfill the needs and expectations of all our relevant interested parties. Our professionals are well trained and they successfully completed many projects.

Red Link Trading and Contracting Services is to ensure that our customers are afforded the best value for their investment by providing them with the finest quality output and the most outstanding services possible.

Experienced Professionals

Finest quality output & the most outstanding services


Since Inception, Red Link has been guided by a firm philosophy that a company's main asset is the measure of trust that can be built with both suppliers and clients. Through this trust, reliability and confidence, Red Link role in the development of Qatar has enhanced it commitment to corporate excellence in all aspects of operations. Sound operational policies, a management team philosophy and the fostering of relationship with clients, suppliers, business partners and staff, collectively support Red Link ability to meet the client requirments. Red Link's main objective is to continue contributing to the moderization of Qatar, with a focus on the needs of the coming century.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. The price of success is hard work, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. Our company having established in the Middle East through Professionalism, Quest for Quality and Excellence, is widening its reach to step-up its activities in the areas of Civil Construction, Electro-mechanical Projects.


About Us